May 2023

Hi y’all,

I’m back baby! I’ve been busy (and frankly didn’t have a ton of shows) so I skipped some updates, but we’re starting May off strong.

I just got back from Ireland and Scotland with my boyfriend - we stayed with friends for a lot of it and had a wonderful time hiking the Scottish countryside and walking all over the cities. Seriously, our step count was very much up!

Day job update: I’m working as a producer for Zipline Media and we do some very cool stuff, so check it out!

I’m acting and was the DP for the latest No Worries If Not sketch - Spanx for Nex. I’m really proud of this sketch written by Maggie Maxwell. GOLD Comedy has brought our whole team back for Year 2 of the Digital Comedy Teams, and I can’t wait to make more dumb videos with these gals!

I’ve got some upcoming shows this month:

The Bisque at the Delancey on Thursday May 18th at 6:30pm. Tickets for $15

Loser Boy at the PIT on the last Friday of the month, Friday May 26th at 8:30pm. Tickets for $11

Grandma's Favorites at the PIT Loft on Sunday May 28th at 6:30pm. Tickets for $14

And that’s it! Come on down and see me :)

February 2023

Hey everyone,

I’ve got a show TONIGHT at The Bowery Electric at 9pm! It’s cool performing at that venue cuz I feel like a pop star (even though I’m just doing weird improv). After raising $475 for The Brigid Alliance at our December show, I’m excited we get to do another show with this great group. Tickets are $30 (including fees) and the profits go towards supporting a wonderful organization that connects women to healthcare. You can buy tickets here!

Also, I got another show on Saturday February 25 at The PIT Loft at 7pm. Loser Boy is competing in the PIT’s March Madness Improv Qualifier and if we win, we move onto round 2. Wahoo - competitive improv!! Tickets are just $10 and you can get them here!

One last thing! No Worries If Not, my GOLD Comedy Digital Sketch team, had a sketch selected for the Lysistrada Comedy Festival in Austin, Texas. The festival is for women in comedy and run March 30th through April 2nd so if you are down in Austin, come on out!

Also NWIN released this mash-up of Nicole Kidman’s iconic AMC ad and the Super Bowl last week. I edited and acted in it - so please enjoy :)

Have a great month bbs - byeeeee!

Deirdre ManningComment
January 2023

Happy New Year Friends!

Popping on to quickly say I’ve got a show on Sunday - Grandma’s Favorites Sketch at the PIT Loft on 1/22 6:30pm. Tickets are here. It’s going to be a blast!

I’ve got some new developments happening right now and I’m excited to share, but not quite yet :)

Take a look at an oldie but a goodie Grandma’s Favorites video.

See ya next month!

Deirdre ManningComment
December 2022

Hey gang,

Another year almost over! I’m a big fan of year-end inventories cuz I’m a dork. I’ve got a lot to inventory this year! I am so lucky to have amazing collaborators, great friends and supportive people in my life - I would be remiss if I didn’t take stock of them and show my enormous gratitude. So thank you all, and I hope you have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.

In the meantime, I wanted to leave you with a brand new video sketch from No Worries If Not at GOLD Comedy. I wrote, shot, helped edit, and I’m pretty proud of it. Also, after losing several locations, QED Astoria generously let us shoot in their space, and we are eternally grateful. They saved the day! So did my friend Chris Gerson, who let us borrow some equipment and my talented actor friends Dana Patrice and Tommy Walters. Of course, I’m grateful to the whole NWIN team for making it :)

See ya in 2023 - big hugs,


Deirdre ManningComment