May 2023
Hi y’all,
I’m back baby! I’ve been busy (and frankly didn’t have a ton of shows) so I skipped some updates, but we’re starting May off strong.
I just got back from Ireland and Scotland with my boyfriend - we stayed with friends for a lot of it and had a wonderful time hiking the Scottish countryside and walking all over the cities. Seriously, our step count was very much up!
Day job update: I’m working as a producer for Zipline Media and we do some very cool stuff, so check it out!
I’m acting and was the DP for the latest No Worries If Not sketch - Spanx for Nex. I’m really proud of this sketch written by Maggie Maxwell. GOLD Comedy has brought our whole team back for Year 2 of the Digital Comedy Teams, and I can’t wait to make more dumb videos with these gals!
I’ve got some upcoming shows this month:
The Bisque at the Delancey on Thursday May 18th at 6:30pm. Tickets for $15
Loser Boy at the PIT on the last Friday of the month, Friday May 26th at 8:30pm. Tickets for $11
Grandma's Favorites at the PIT Loft on Sunday May 28th at 6:30pm. Tickets for $14
And that’s it! Come on down and see me :)