August 2020

No small talk this month, just jumping right in. Dumb stuff only, no pleas to fix the planet. Not in August, bay-beeeeeee

#1 Would you please follow Chill Grill Comedy on Instagram and subscribe on YouTube? Our Youtube is especially sad because we only have 1 subscriber, which means one of the duo that created Chill Grill has not subscribed…

I know it’s dumb to talk about followers and subscribers, but we have some fun projects coming up and we would love eyeballs on them. Tell your friends, please <3

#2 Would you follow Mischief Tales on Youtube, Insta and Facebook? Mischief bought a sketch show that me and Helena Farhi (as a reminder, Chill Grill Comedy) wrote, and then have to produce, shoot, act, edit, sing, make costumes, do special effects makeup, etc. We are super pumped for more episodes and want you all to see as SOON as they come out (September, hint, hint).

Also Mischief Tales asked me to write a monologue for a series they are doing - and I already had one! I absolutely love acting, but as you guys have probably figured out, I love to write too. I often end up writing for myself, but I’ve been enjoying writing for other funny people during this whole shitshow of a year. So when Mischief asked, I already had a character monologue I’d created through a bit of a writing assignment I’d given myself. Vincent Hannam directed it via zoom and Steven Czajkowski plays a character of my creation: Bert Railings, Country Music Writer. Watch it here because there’s lots of guitar twanging and dogs. Then slam that subscribe button, okie??

#3 Loser Boy Improv is still doing a YouTube Live show every Monday night at 7pm EST for the CyberTank! We’re making ZERO DOLLARS on these shows, and instead, are asking folks to donate to The Tank - our gracious host and a vital NYC arts organization that provides performance opportunities/space for emerging artists (like Loser Boy). We are so grateful for their support, we’d love you to watch us on Monday nights and support the arts. Tickets are available here and you never have to put on pants to watch. It’s from the comfort of your own home! What are you waiting for??

#4 I was kidding about no pleas to save the planet - I’m definitely still doing that. I’m trying to focus on things I actually can control: creating a voting plan, virtual phone banking for candidates that actually care about other humans, regularly calling on behalf of Breonna Taylor, supporting my local mutual aid fund, volunteering with Muddy Paws Rescue by getting people approved to adopt rescue dogs, taking time to do yoga/meditate daily (cuz you have to put on your own mask before you can assist your neighbor with theirs). Maybe you can find some things within your control that help you make the world a little better.

THIS IS STILL A NIGHTMARE. But I find little moments of helping neighbors, and creating dumb videos the internet (or what is now known as ART), make the nightmare more manageable.

Love you all. Remember to wash your hands, wear a mask and most importantly, be sturdy and full of hope.

Written by moi, performed by Steven Czajkowski, directed by Vincent Hannam. Follow Mischief Tales!

Deirdre ManningComment