November 2015
Hi All-
It's been a while since I've updated anything, but I've been making big moves
First off, I'm on tour with Hampstead Stage Company in New England. It's a blast: it's a two person tour and I'm on tour with my best friend, Anna Lynn Robbins. Check her out here.
We are doing The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Christmas Carol. From now until the end of December, we have 65 shows total. Bringing theatre to kids of all ages at mostly schools and libraries is fun and rewarding, with it's own set of challenges. You can see updates about tour on facebook, twitter and now instagram. Yes, I got an insta. I'm now officially part of my generation. Follow me @deirdmanning
Also in big news: I'm moving to NYC in January. Pretty pumped to become a "New York-based actor"!
But until then-it's just two girls and one van bringing theatre magic to the children of the Northeast. Wish us luck :)