August 2017

I have two brilliant friends who run a satirical blog called Hackstage, about all things acting related. It's super funny and sometimes they let me guest contribute. I wrote this mockumentary with the hilarious Helena Farhi and we filmed it while working up in Maine together. We had a blast working on it, so check it out! :)

Deirdre Manning Comment
May 2017

I'm heading back to Maine to be in Heartwood Regional Theater's production of Into the Woods! I've got a lot of friends in the cast and can't wait to play Rapunzel-check in out if you are in New England and want to take a trip to beautiful Mid-Coast Maine.

Check out the website for tickets. The dates are:

JULY 13 -15, and JULY 19 - 22 @ 7:30pm
JULY 16 @ 3:00 (Matinee)

Deirdre ManningComment
April 2017

Hey guys,

The world's crazy right now. I got new headshots. Other things are in the works, both on a national scale and on a Deirdre scale. I don't pretend that they are on the same level.

Enjoy the new shots and stay sane, if you can <3

Deirdre ManningComment